T-3 Days

May 12th, 2016

So this week I cut my saw on my table saw, and traveled to NYC… Both high risk endeavors just before the Aruba vacation. The cut was minor, but it begs to ask, how do you get a minor cut by a 10″ table saw… It can be done. NYC was a work trip but I managed to stop at Pandora and get Nancy (she won’t read this) an anniversary charm and call Aruba and upgrade our rooms. Before I could make the call I had to enable international calling first. ug.. I will upload the pic from the office I was visiting on Facebook.
Nancy had a bit of a panic Tuesday as she could not find the flight confirmations. I kept my head VERY low until she resolved the issue.

T-12 Days

May 3rd, 2016

Well it seems like we will make it to our first year anniversary.  Nancy is a trooper :>  We are going off to Aruba to celebrate.  We are looking forward to it.

Wedding T-4 Days

May 11th, 2015

Nancy was nice enough to inform me that this was my last Monday as a single man.  Then she asked me if I was going to freak out.  Me?  Please!

The wedding and so it begins

May 10th, 2015

We have approval from all interested parties…  The trip is booked.  We are finalizing chapel arrangements.  Nancy, the great sport and spendthrift that she is, bought some stand-in wedding bands in case her’s is not ready.  I am placing odds at 6-4 against the ring being ready…

Back on the boat

April 12th, 2015

The capt tour was good and we made it back to the boat. Met back up with our peeps from last night. The fun continues!

Cap’n Morgan tour

April 12th, 2015

We are going to get a little Cap’n in yah


April 11th, 2015

Still have it!.

San Juan

April 11th, 2015


Doh. The ring is…

April 11th, 2015

The hotel is holding my bag…ahhh

San Juan

April 11th, 2015

Well we had a good first night. Apperently they feed you in the casinos. We had some sandwitches and a hot dog. They would only give us beer in the casino next door. BUT Nancy found the coveted “Money Storm”. The did not evn have “Lord of the Rings”…. They did have “Bat Man and Robin” though. It was fun. Late checkout and off to Pan Am pier to catch a boat. The plan is still in play!